Moving On in Your Life is Challenging

When you are moving on in your life everything is flowing for you right? Think of a time you moved on, and how you were feeling before then. You might have been stuck at a crossroads, or held back by external circumstances, or simply feeling numb. Or were holding yourself back – perhaps due to fear, or lack of courage, or apprehension, depression etc. Yet the moment that you felt ready to move on, you were able to follow your instincts, and life unfolded beautifully.

I know from working with clients that their issues are resolved when I see them moving on. New opportunities, new attitudes, new pastures all suddenly appear in their lives, as if by magic. They serve to entice them over the cliff edge. To be able to move on, you need to be willing to shed unnecessary and outdated patterns in your life. Then divine time steps in. You find yourself moving with ease and grace into the next phase of your precious life. Easier said than done! That is where I would love to help.

Recently I met a bubbly life coach leaving the holistic centre where she had just finished working with a client. We started catching up with each other, and as soon as I told her what I was “up to” she exclaimed “So you help people move on!”. She immediately booked a session for herself! I realise that many of her clients come to her seeking help with MOVING ON in their lives. Even more interestingly, many therapists too need help with moving on in their lives, as they can get stuck in a mindset that no longer serves their overall development.

Plans for Moving On in Your Life Can Be Implemented from a Strong Base

I have also found that after Biofield Tuning people rapidly realise what they need to do to move on. They put plans in place.Yet do they have the courage to take that final step and create that change in their lives? And how can they manage the changes within their own lives to accommodate others? This theme of change often crops up with my clients and I take note. It is a wake up call to continue with more treatments or go slower. Biofield Tuning works to strengthen your resolve. Ultimately the choice is in their hands, but the fact is that Biofield Tuning unlocks your mind to see that there are new ways of doing things.

Life Coaching with Biofield Tuning

It may be that Biofield Tuning and Life Coaching make a perfect fit. After tuning when the client has the energy to change, he or she can make a plan with a life coach or a business coach. Sometimes it is a small outward change we need make. One somewhat skeptical male client told me that he started to notice subtle personality changes in his life that he could only put down to his single biofield tuning session. He feels far better for these changes and has even shed clothes he has hung onto for 25 years! I wonder what happened him next!

The Sea of Potential

We all know on a theoretical level how much potential we all have. It is not so easy to acknowledge it consciously. It is harder still to really let go and act on it. Imagine living from a purer and lighter space where our potential can flow. Biofield Tuning tends to raise you to a lighter level without any effort on your behalf. To sustain it, we have to follow through the new impulses we receive. Then we become better, more fully present individuals. Another client who recently came for three sessions told me that she now is much more concerned with living in the now and not in the past. She is accepting the way things turn out on a day to day basis, and almost has a sense that “All is perfect!

Helping you Move On in Your life (so the World Too Can Evolve and Grow).

I always feel so humbled when I meet clients who share their insights with me, because it gives me a deeper sense of how Biofield Tuning works and also how it helps people evolve and grow. It reminds me then that in some small way I am helping make the world a better place, as the effects of Biofield Tuning ripple out. Undoubtedly in these times the world is fast evolving on a deep unseen level. Paradoxically, it is disintegrating on a purely physical level. So if you want to prepare to integrate these ongoing changes in your external world, perhaps you need to develop on the inside. Then you can be in step with the range of changes that are occurring.

At this juncture Biofield Tuning therapy takes on a spiritual dimension, and I see a distinct role for this deep therapy in helping our world evolve.

If you wish to climb on board and be part of the invisible sea of change, contact me now!

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