Biofield Tuning Sessions

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Pre-recorded Tuning Sessions inc. Full Moon Alignments

You may play each session as often as you like


Private Distant or Live Biofield Tuning Sessions

All sessions conducted using Zoom if available to you-with video on at start and close of session

Support Products for Biofield Tuning




Private Distant or Live Biofield Tuning Sessions

All sessions are conducted using Zoom if available to you–using video at the start and close of the session, and audio throughout. Alternatively, WhatsApp or a phone call is an option.

If you use Zoom then replaying your sessions can enhance the effects and prolong the benefits of an individual session. Please specify you want a free recordings at the start of session.

Your payments counts as your booking – please email in the first instance to arrange a date and time with me that I will pencil in. Payments should be made at least 24 hours in advance. After payment is received I will send you a short information form to fill in and the protocol for your session and after-care.

Please note you are not obliged to use PayPal as a payment option- I also accept direct bank transfers or Revolut. Details sent when you email me.

Note: In-Person Sessions:

Please wear face masks. Hygiene rule of washing hands upon entry applies and all accessible surfaces are cleaned regularly.

Individual Session £75

[wp_paypal button=”buynow” name=”Tuning Your Four Elements” amount=”75″ button_image=””]

 Deep Tuning You: A series of six sessions £400

Not payable in retrospect although can be paid incrementally upon arrangement. Duration of sessions is open.

Please note that in the highly unlikely event you decide to cancel this series it will involve a processing fee of £30 and previous sessions taken will revert to normal fee rate instead.

 [wp_paypal button=”buynow” name=”Mini Series of 6 Sessions Tuning Your Four Elements” amount=”400″ button_image=””]

Tuning Your Four Elements £75

 [wp_paypal button=”buynow” name=”Tuning Your Four Elements” amount=”75″ button_image=””]

Pre-recorded Audio-video Sessions on Full Moon alignments

You may play each session as often as you like – replays reinforce and increase the benefits of the tunings. Please mention the month or title for each session when ordering. £25

 [wp_paypal button=”buynow” name=”Pre-recorded Audio-video Sessions on Full Moon alignments” amount=”25″ button_image=””]

Choose from following titles with links to dedicated page:

Finding Your Inspiration (Jan 2021)

Full Moon Tunings (May, June, July 2022)

Initial Session (up to 90 minutes) £85

1:1 Remote or Live Biofield Tuning Sessions – an initial session can determine how to proceed in terms of the frequency of sessions, and other options such as booking a series (see below).

 [wp_paypal button=”buynow” name=”Initial Session” amount=”85″ button_image=””]

Choose from following titles with links to dedicated page:

Subsequent Sessions £100 for 75 mins +

(I keep a record of time spent, so if your session lasts shorter than 75 minutes, any minutes accruing from sessions count toward a free session once 60 mins reached).

[wp_paypal button=”buynow” name=”Follow-up Sessions €100 for 75 mins” amount=”100″ button_image=””]

Recording of any of your session for replays free

If you use Zoom then replaying your sessions can enhance the effects and prolong the benefits of an individual session.

Top-up Sessions £75 for 60 minutes

These act like a returning or servicing of a car after repairs have been done – here your body is the vehicle! One every six months is recommended.

 [wp_paypal button=”buynow” name=”Top-up Sessions €75 for 60 minutes” amount=”75″ button_image=””]

Support Products for Biofield Tuning

Choose from following titles with links to dedicated page:

Numerology £40

Report to enhance your understanding of the tuning process and your shift

 [wp_paypal button=”buynow” name=”Numerology” amount=”40″ button_image=””]

Celtic Tree Essences £40

This supports your processing of tuning

 [wp_paypal button=”buynow” name=”Celtic Tree Essences” amount=”40″ button_image=””]

Talks on Biofield Tuning

Contact me if you wish me to present a Talk on Biofield Tuning- this can be done remotely

How To Book A Session

  • Please complete the contact form with a small range of preferable dates and times
  • You will be emailed your session date  and payment instructions
  • Your payment is taken as a firm booking and confirmation will be sent
  • When canceling a session, at least 4 days’ notice is required for a full refund, and at least 48 hours notice for a 50% refund


Biofield Tuning is not advised for individuals who are extremely ill as it may create a strong healing response in the system. As the body releases tension, any toxins that have been held in constricted tissue are released which has the capacity to produce flu-like symptoms, exhaustion, waves of emotion, loose stools and in extreme cases (very rare) rashes and vomiting. Cancer, pregnancy, palliative care, and pacemakers are contra-indicated in Biofield Tuning.


    +353 83 411 7498



    36 The Rise



    Co Galway H91 V58H