
What They’re Saying About Us

Nearly everyone who books my services are seeking to change their lives for the better. The following testimonials come from a wide range of backgrounds, including builders, building managers, nurses, therapists, yoga teachers, artists, accountants, home workers, business coaches, entrepreneurs, editors and environmental scientists.

Long Distance Back relief

I could feel my back so much better after our meeting! Thank you!! It is remarkable how it works over long distances.

Dr IC, Brazil (Surgeon)

Most powerful energy healing session ever

Hi Jackie, thank you for today, I’ve had a fair few energy healing sessions of different types over the years I have NEVER had anything as powerful as that today. I’m really curious to see how the next few days shape out. Thank you.🙏


Hazel, North East Scotland

Amazing Session

Hi Jackie, It was lovely to meet you and thank you so very much – what an amazing session! I have never experienced anything like it. It’s rather mind blowing and very effective.

Lisa. Clackmannanshire

Support for Loss through Suicide

I visited Jackie as a Biofield Tuner Practitioner after meeting her informally with a dear friend who lost his son who took his own life four years ago.
My twin sister had also taken her own life, followed closely by the death of my mum.

I wanted Jackie, via her Biofield Tuning therapy, to connect with my feelings and trauma and resolve blocked emotions.

Biofield Tuning is a sound therapy method that provides targeted nervous system relaxation and can alleviate a wide range of symptoms. It helped to locate, diminish and resolve various physical, mental and emotional blocks I was having.

The dissonance was resolved both with a physical session and a follow up via Zoom. I experienced a flow away of tension throughout my body towards my feet and an increased awareness of comfort and release.

I recommend Jackie’s Biofield Tuning therapy for anyone suffering from emotional blocks or tension. It’s easy, relaxing and deeply powerful, with an effect lasting long term. I will be following this up with regular practice via Zoom sessions.

Sarah Bowers, psychotherapist and hospital chaplain, Scotland and London June 2024

After Trauma Trigger

I just wanted to let you know that I have felt noticeably better since your treatment yesterday : )


Orna, Ayurvedic Masseuse Galway, April 2024

A returning Client

Dear Jackie,

Thank you so much for yesterday. It’s wonderful to get the help at the exact critical time you need it.
And proved to me that the treatment works as you were able to feel exactly what is going on for me.
I very much look forward to seeing you again.
Frankie, singing teacher Co Clare Nov 2023

Totally revived

Hello Jackie, I’ve been meaning to email you back for so long now .. my apologies!
I’ve been very well after our session and would love to come back for a series of three some time soon.
Joanna Paszkiewicz, September 2023

Feeling lovely and balanced

Hi Jackie, just to say thank you for the lovely biofield tuning on Tuesday- no adverse effects and feeling lovely and balanced since.

Eileen Brady, Chin Gung and Tai Chi teacher

Pain disappeared

It was incredible. My shoulder pain disappeared for a good few days and I felt so energised after the session. I’ve actually been thinking about booking another session with you.
Lisa Mulube

Helping me move forward in my life

Jackie was very responsive and helpful when inquiring about biofield tuning. I am interested in becoming a practitioner myself and she carried out the sessions in a way that helped my understanding of the process.

I have had three sessions with Jackie. Oftentimes I could feel where on my body she was working and sometimes felt instant relief. She pinpointed discomfort in my body that I had never spoken to anyone about but after her treatments I can now speak of them – so it’s like the trauma associated with the energy distortion has dissipated. She was also spot on with important dates in my timeline. I was also an avid over thinker, Jackie highlighted this and now this issue is completely gone, I am more present and feel like I am living less in the past. I believe biofield tuning is an essential therapy for anyone trying to move forward in life. Im learning now how illness and disease may begin in the energetic body so it’s time we start paying attention! Jackie’s approach is very special she makes you feel at ease and it’s like you’ve known her for years!

Thanks so much Jackie.

Clear Headed with no racing thoughts

I wanted to say I feel so much lighter like my brain can’t over think anymore! It’s wonderful!

You had mentioned clearing a column from my heart area and today I feel a pressure there almost like someone is standing on my chest it’s painful, but I feel it’s releasing and clearing. I am going to book another session

Lynda Piper-Roche, Co Tipperary

Pet Healing

Hi Jackie, Thanks very much. I sat with Silke and there was a subtle change in her energy. Her aura came in closer to her and she felt much calmer. She is a rescue cat we got her when she was 18 months. She was always quite scared especially of people. I guess she must have been treated badly as a kitten while being quite brave out in nature. I think what you found was bang on – in as much as I know her early life. I will let you know how she progresses.

(later that day) She is very much more herself tonight – she just caught a small mouse outside and she is grooming herself properly thanks so much.
How would you feel about another one next week to consolidate what you have done today? So many thanks xxx

Pat Farrell, Ph D Student Galway Uni

Womb healing

I had a single remote session with you several weeks ago and during the session you identified an area on my time line where the energy completely dropped off. I actually entered a very manipulative abusive relationship at that time. I remember during this period of my life I developed a huge cyst on my left hand side and felt all my power was gone.

A few days after the session I decided to do a guided meditation on the womb area that had been highlighted during the session, and found no light there at all on the left hand side. A younger version of myself (from the time of the abuse) came up then in which I climbed a ladder and installed a new light in my womb!

After our session I started to ovulate for the first time on the left hand side and now I am about to give birth to a baby girl for the first time! I am delighted. Thank you!

Caoimhe, Ireland Spring 2023

Full Moon Meditations

Just to let you know i listened to your recorded tuning on the Full Moon and associated lunar eclipse (with long-lasting influence) for May and I am really impressed with your work. To start with your voice is beautiful – so clear and easy to listen to. And the explanations and information you give as you go along with the healing is so welcome and informative. I have really benefitted from the healing. The peace underneath my legs is like nothing I ever had for the last 15 years. I have often felt I was ungrounded all my life. I feel more centred and strong in my body after doing them. I have chronic insomnia and issues with my arms/legs at night, but now after listening to the recording I am I feel getting a bit of deep sleep, and while listening to it I’m not awake but not fully asleep either! I have listened to it every day so far. I do feel I would benefit from a full healing session from you or a few over time. Thanking you in advance. Blessings

A. D. Co Mayo Ireland

Senile Dementia Relief

I am a research assistant at NUIG School of Medicine Galway working with old age and frailty. I have witnessed Jackie’s vibrant biofield tuning on several occasions involving her elderly father who is in the middle stages of dementia. While I remain fully open to alternative explanations, I did observe very positive results each time with almost immediate improvements in mood and clarity of thought which lasted at least 24 hours. While the clinical literature is currently too sparse to draw any conclusions; older forms of energy work such as yoga or reiki are showing great promise in improving patient quality of life and are gradually being welcomed into mainstream medical practice. We already know that vibrations of sound resonate with our moods and memories, some would even say soul, and I believe that this new technique has a wealth of potential. I would urge anyone to approach such exciting new potentials openly and honestly; and wish Jackie all the best in her honourable endeavours.

Mark Donovan, University of Galway medical research unit

Back Pain relief

Having invested in other forms of energy healing, I am impressed by the accuracy of time lines, the physical sensations at different stages of the session and the positive impact of biofield tuning sessions with Jackie. Through video (ZOOM), her assessment of the physical and emotional issues to treat were accurate in terms of events which have deeply shaped my health, behaviours and personal beliefs. At stages I experienced pins and needles in my feet and a sensation of rippling waves through my legs, torso and head. Jackie’s communication and explanations throughout helped me to understand, and to trust her and the process. Since our sessions, I have been sleeping better, my energy levels have increased and chronic back pain has decreased; I’ve felt more poised and centred since; I have also benefited from a greater sense of detachment, made changes to improve my quality of life and even made some major decisions to move forward. Compared with other methods, Jackie’s biofield tuning approach has had the most positive impact on my system. Highly recommended!



I have been troubled with depression for a long time, and more recently anxiety, brought on by 2 deaths and the earlier near death of my baby, I have tried so many therapies over the years, and there is no doubt that Biofield tuning works. What I like is there is no need to talk or rake over old traumas, Jackie works directly on your energy field and gets straight to the blockages and imbalances. After just one session I felt lighter and brighter. Further sessions revealed other childhood accidents and traumas which has been hanging around in my energy field, causing, I believe, the low-level long-standing depression, robbing me of the vitality I know I had inside of me. Jackie also correctly identified that I was living ‘in my head’ with a lot of busy energy causing me to feel light headed and anxious, and she managed to clear this away. Thank you, I feel so much clearer and less ‘bogged down’, and my family has also noticed the difference in me.

Newcastle upon Tyne

Quantum Healing

I found the last session I had with you incredibly powerful, and all the internal concerns I spoke of magically disappeared into the quantum and have gone since. It was truly incredible. I want to thank you for your powerful sessions and also to say that at some point in the near future would love to have an oak tuning session that you spoke of a while back. And also the oak remedy you have. I have ordered it from you now. I want to say what am incredibly gifted intuitive healer you are. Much love and gratitude

Jabeen Jaffri, Healer and angel channeller, Bath


Thank you jackie. Your work is so essential to assist people on their healing journey, Ennis needs you!

Phyl, Ennis Co Clare Ireland

The Four Elements Session

Tuning your Four Main Elements (Distant) I have had a number of biofield tuning sessions with Jackie and found the therapy very beneficial and powerful at clearing old trauma from my system. I am fascinated by astrology and was very keen to experience her work on the elements. I have very little of one element and quite a lot of the other three so I knew it would be beneficial for me to have this treatment. I really felt balanced after our session and felt a lovely flow in my system and a sense of peace and tranquility afterwards. I found Jackie to be highly intuitive and caring. She really goes the extra mile for her clients and this is evident in her sessions.

Oonagh C, Ireland November 2020

Good Sleep

Hi Jackie I found that it was like a heaviness was lifted from my shoulders. I also had a good night’s sleep which is rare. Thank you I found it really helpful

Emer, Corofin Clare

Enjoyable Sessions

I had a quick bite and then went for a rest, which was wonderful. I slept, a most elusive activity of late, and woke feeling so much better for it, so thank you for enabling that. I loved our session and look forward to the next. More later and many thanks, Virginia

Virginia, Northumberland, UK

Emotional Clearing

I’m very grateful for the sound healing you gave me – thank you so much! Wanted to let you I felt a lot of activation and release in my body on Monday and it felt great. Later in the week I also felt some emotional issues come up including anger, some of that continues, perhaps released from all the repression/suppression before.

Verajita Singh, UK

Linking Vibrations to Power to Unblock Past Blockages in me

Jackie’s Biofield tuning sessions helped me to discover more about the power of vibration and sound to heal the body. She introduced me to this supportive therapy that helped me to align my energy and pinpointed blockages to clear from years ago. Thanks again for your support.

Jane Brumpton, Scotland


First of all, for me it was very good to do my first ever biofield session with you. You are such a warm person and it means a lot to me, definitely for personal development. I felt a certain subtle clearance in my head and my mood uplifted. You told me accurately when my first trauma occurred. Suddenly an image came in my head and I had a realisation what might had happened and why my digestion started to be blocked. Anyway I will definitely book more biofield treatments with you.


Vast Improvement in Appetite and Bodily Pain

When we started I came with lower back pain on my left side and I was very tired. After one session the pain in my leg that I had for weeks completely disappeared and the back pain also disappeared yesterday. My appetite for food has increased already and I see myself productive already. I really feel good. Thank you so much. If I feel down again, then I would definitely take another one.

Rusty Holm, Denmark

Self Awareness facilitated

Jackie is very skilled and I feel I am in good hands. I feel lighter and happier, there is an ongoing change in my body. We have a dialogue during the sessions, when talking to Jackie I notice things about myself and I might find the answer to some obstacles I have. Jackie is not forcing any change, it all happens very freely and naturally. I like the idea that I have all the answers within myself and the biofield tuning sessions are helping me to open up. Thank you Jackie for this experience, I’m looking forward to our next session!

Petra Lindhom-Brattwell, Sweden

Sleep Sleep Sleep!

Hi Jackie just a quick word – I slept so well Friday night after you did remote healing in fact it was only the phone that woke me. After lunch I still wanted to sleep and slept another 2 hours and last night I slept from 1am to 9am which is brill so feeling a lot more rested neck still in pain but getting better after each sleep. So Thank you angel Jackie for activation of healing xx

Nicola Moss, UK

Release of Trauma

I feel soooooo much better since our sessions yesterday. In fact I had one of the best night’s sleep in a long, long time!! Thank you! I do think that our first session marked a change for me. It marked a turning back towards being present, being in my body and eventually releasing the trauma patterns from my childhood.

Carmel, Brussels


Good evening Jackie. I just wanted to tell you our session yesterday has done me a tremendous amount of good. I felt a lot more grounded today and peaceful, less crazy unorganised thoughts, I felt more tuned with my inner energy, and I’m so grateful! Really looking forward to our next session. Thank you so much!

Leyna Renaudin, London


My energy has been moving much more easily in the body since the online group session. I feel lighter and more free and energized! Thank you so much.


John Mannings

Super Jackie. I felt light, like walking on air! I also felt a lot calmer and at peace.

Maureen McGee

Just to say thanks so much for the wonderful session you did for me on Tuesday. I am certainly feeling the benefits, more energy and feeling very positive.


Annabel McGlouglin

Each of my three therapy sessions had a different effect. Each were distinctly relaxing or energetic. Overall my experience leads me to believe this therapy has the ability to bring access to emotional calm, removing and relieving blockages in the energetic field e.g. anxiety, repetitive memory patterns that do not serve, and it offers a degree of objectivity from habitual attitudes and behaviour that impact on health and wellbeing- a circuit breaker if you like. I enjoyed my sessions and felt benefit that lasted and sustained me long enough to integrate its resulting charge. Jackie is a dedicated and learned practitioner and I am interested that she continues this effective therapy for physical and emotional transformation. I have already recommended her and encourage others to explore its benefits in her practice. You cannot but benefit!


Sean Esbjörn-Hargens

COMBINING Biofield Session with time out in Nature I had a delightful morning with Jackie. We did a biofield tuning which was very energizing and calming. I felt a lot of subtle energies during the session and had a strong sense of the energy in my whole aura being coherent with a slight buzz. It was really striking! Then we went into Nature to explore making sounds with gongs and it deepened and expanded the experience in a very potent way. That night I was so full of energy and I had a number of synchronicities and soul level insights that felt directly related to the time spent with Jackie earlier that day.

Ireland and U.S.

Noel Brophy

I attended a group Biofield Tuning led by Jackie. I had no idea what to expect and was amazed that Jackie picked up on a major event at around the age of nine for someone in the group. I was involved in a serious car crash in that year and as Jackie smoothed out the trauma using her forks, the constant pain in my knees lifted and did not return after I left the session. I found Jackie’s group tuning really powerful and beneficial and would recommend it to anyone.



I had 3 sessions with Jackie, which was quite amazing ! I didn’t expect such outcome of a light filled body! I really can recommend this Biofield Tuning sessions! I felt a lot of joy.

Crookhaven Co Cork


I was on a dowsing workshop at Jackie’s place. For some days I had been in big trouble with my back and could hardly stand for a while, even with painkillers. Jackie offered me to treat me with the tuning forks. It only took 5 minutes and it was very special to feel the resonance deep in my body. The condition of my back was much improved!! Thankfully we could easily continue working with the dowsing rods. After driving home the pain did not return.

Deirdre McKenzie

I have received other healing modalities from Jackie over the years and can see that in this one she really is in her element. Plus it really is far more powerful than anything I have experienced with anyone and I feel sure it is a profoundly transformative therapy. I will recommend it to many.


Mary Lamont

I came without any preconceptions of any results and was merely curious as to how it felt. I slept solidly for twelve hours, something I have never done in my life. I also found Jackie pinpointed several events in my life with alarming accuracy. After the session I had amazing energy and ability to focus. Thank you Jackie!


My energy has been moving much more easily in the body since the online group session. I feel lighter and more free and energized! Thank you so much.


Suzanne McLoughlin

I’m feeling good since my last session. Having lots of dreams and I’m feeling lighter! Thanks again.


Cathy Malone

Thanks so much! I feel so good and light….you are an Angel!

Athlone and Copenhagen

Annie Farrell

Attended for help with dental phobia – made a huge difference at my next appointment a few days later. I was a bit apprehensive ahead of time but nothing in comparison to previous dentist visits, and was able to tolerate the small amount of discomfort during the procedure much better than historically. But there have been other, unexpected benefits as well – a sustained feeling of lightness and peace, a boost to my confidence which helped in managing a challenging situation with ease soon after, and a general feeling of openness – all very difficult to articulate but truly wonderful to experience! Thanks Jackie – I look forward to availing of further treatment!

Co Galway

Elaine Molloy

I have been going to Jackie for some ongoing leg pain. What strikes me about the healing modality that Jackie does is her insight and her ability to pinpoint areas in your life where you have developed blockages, and more importantly, to release them and release them instantly. There is an amazing power that comes through during the healings that is hard to put into words. Just that you know that something very powerful is happening. Afterwards you carry with you a sense of wellbeing and a feeling that your health issue is sorting itself out at the deepest level. Thank you, Jackie, for your insights and healing abilities!

Co Galway


Biofield tuning with Jackie was a beautiful experience. The use of tuning forks was a pleasant and interesting way to connect with my energy field. Jackie located energy blockages and her intuition alerted us to the corresponding emotional disturbances. After working on clearing these I felt at peace and increased flow of energy. The pain in my back also decreased. Overall, it was a very pleasant, interesting and relaxing experience.

Galway City

Ania Tyczek

I felt really well taken care of during my sessions with Jackie. The tuning forks released a deep, negative past conditioning and the meridian flush opened up blocked energy channels in my legs. Working with the sound is a powerful and healing tool. I would definitely recommend Jackie’s work to anybody who is looking for inner transformation.

Poland and Ireland


I was vibrating/trembling all over my body and could feel roots from my feet a mile deep. Jackie, you are a very accurate, strong medium of energy fields. The effect is continuing the following day. It feels like a clearing of the old energy is happening…

Co Galway


I have been having sessions with Jackie for the past few weeks and it has been incredible. I’ve already started feeling more peace of mind and feeling more grounded. She is a lovely and gentle soul and my sessions with her have done me the greatest good!


Nicole Millane

Good morning, Thank you very much for yesterday. Feeling fantastic today. (Ed: lasted at least four weeks)

Shannon Ireland

Kate Keane

Meant to text you all day. I felt great. I slept so well last night. It was great. Thank you.


Christine Donlon

I was seeking relief from Constant Neck Pain: It was great Jackie. I was really relaxed and the pain in my neck has gone. I will grab a few fliers and put them up for you. (group tuning participant)

Co Clare

Margaret Drake

Dread of Dentists? I’ve a dread of dentists so I asked you to help with my nerves prior to my trip to the dentist. I’ve had a crazy work day, and I haven’t caught up since my trip too. But I meant to contact you to say – my Monday dental visit was great (so to speak) !! I was a bit apprehensive in the morning, but nothing at all in comparison to previous anxiety levels. It was different during procedure too – occasionally there was a painful poke or a little stab, and historically, the slightest little thing would be my cue to hit the ceiling, anticipating the worst. On Monday I was able to say to myself “Ouch, hope he doesn’t do that again; I don’t want him to stop though, let’s just push through this…” This was an incredible difference from previous dental experiences!


Elaine Molloy

I recently had a remote biofield tuning session with Jackie. The session was both intriguing and intense at the same time. I could immediately feel Jackie tuning in to me despite the fact that I was in my home and she was in hers. Jackie quickly found blockages in my energy field that were causing me health issues. These blockages occurred many years ago but were still causing me issues. Once Jackie released these blockages I felt an immediate sense of well-being and freedom and a new found confidence in my ability to fully heal. I am looking forward to more sessions with Jackie to fully regain my health again! Thank you so much Jackie!

(returning 2 years later)

Linda Rozee

I received a few long distance treatments from Jackie and I noticed a significant difference in my behaviour after the first treatment. I have had a long-standing habit of procrastinating. It always seemed so hard to “get things done” but after my first treatment with Jackie I was able to do things with little effort. I was so pleased to experience this because it has been an issue most of my life and I have had many different healing treatments, none of which gave me this result.

Nova Scotia

Dan McGuire

I’m feeling very good. In fact I felt good since the last session.You have a great gift for healing.


Brendan Sanders

I felt a lot better after the session-I would like to return for more in the future.

East Clare, Ireland

Tim Adamson

Hi Jackie, Feeling great since treatment yesterday. Very light and energetic all the drive back . Thank you so much! It was really nice to meet you!


Jennifer Duffy

I feel so absolutely wonderful, thanks to you!! Haven’t felt this good in years!!!!!!

Jennifer Duffy, Kinvara


Thanks so much for everything Jackie I really enjoyed and got a lot of the Biofield tuning. Best wishes to you!

Melissa Huang

Today was interesting. I felt a momentum that kept me grounded and optimistic despite the state of panicking/preoccupation I’ve been in for the past weeks. It’s a positive and still, subtle feeling. (I really haven’t been functioning well).


Anne Loughrey

I feel good- no pain or stiffness in the shoulder or back and overall feeling much better. In the end I had 3 sessions with Jackie, which were quite amazing ! I didn’t expect such outcome of a light filled body! I really can recommend this Biofield Tuning sessions! Thanks Jackie – goodbye drugs and hello Biofield. It is amazing!

Co Galway

Katarina Sidova

I feel that those first 5 sessions helped me a lot, helped me to move forward and I feel like my power is coming back and that I now need to do some inner healing by myself. I was waiting to see how I would feel over past 2 weeks and even when I had some emotional days, I was able to help myself with different tools. Now I’m working with the power of my thoughts to help me to heal and create a reality I wish for.


Constance Lum

I am writing on behalf of my adolescent son who has received 4 tuning sessions with Jackie now. I wholeheartedly and confidently recommend any parents who have a child who suffers from mental health issues, and emotional traumas, seek out Jackie for Biofield Tuning healing. I share this with gratitude for finding Jackie who has been flexible working with us remotely. I have been amazed and impressed reading her insightful and accurate report after each tuning session

Cici Lum

For the first time, I feel like I can let out my breath and feel hopeful that my son could experience joy and want to live. I feel like we have our son back again.


Trisha Nash

Thanks so much for the treatment. I feel so much more at ease. I find biofield tuning to be a very powerful therapy, which necessitates me to do the work integrating it afterwards.

Co Clare

Samantha Nugent

You are very good at this remote working. In three sessions I felt you really got to the crux of the matter and helped me get in touch with the root of problems I was not aware of



It most certainly relaxed me! I came home, had something to eat & fell asleep for an hour. There is absolutely no pain, tightness, or soreness in my side or anywhere else in my abdominal region – no gallbladder symptoms whatsoever. My neck is a bit stiff with a slight soreness but it’s much better & I feel it would take another couple of sessions to shift that completely. Thanks again. I have come several times to you over the years for various reasons and find this therapy really works. (ed: following day this was dealt with also)

Oonagh C

Tuning your Four Main Elements Distant Session I have had a number of biofield tuning sessions with Jackie and found the therapy very beneficial and powerful at clearing old trauma from my system. I am fascinated by astrology and was very keen to experience her work on the elements. I have very little of one element and quite a lot of the other three so I knew it would be beneficial for me to have this treatment. I really felt balanced after our session and felt a lovely flow in my system and a sense of peace and tranquility afterwards. I found Jackie to be highly intuitive and caring. She really goes the extra mile for her clients and this is evident in her sessions.

Galway Ireland November 2020

Betty Henrichsen

Palliative Care for Pain Tolerance, long distance: I just wanted to let you know how beneficial each of your sessions are and how grateful I am to you for giving me such targeted outreach assistance. After each session I always feel the surge of uplifting energy and joy in the relief they give to me immediately and then the after glow of release in my body and mind. This I greatly appreciate and do thank you for your dedicated care during this difficult time in my life. It means such a lot. Many thanks

Belshill, Scotland October 2018

“Just to let you know i listened to your recorded tuning on the Full Moon and associated lunar eclipse (with long-lasting influence) for May and I am really impressed with your work. To start with your voice is beautiful – so clear and easy to listen to. And the explanations and information you give as you go along with the healing is so welcome and informative. I have really benefitted from the healing. The peace underneath my legs is like nothing I ever had for the last 15 years. I have often felt I was ungrounded all my life. I feel more centred and strong in my body after doing them. I have chronic insomnia and issues with my arms/legs at night, but now after listening to the recording I am I feel getting a bit of deep sleep, and while listening to it I’m not awake but not fully asleep either! I have listened to it every day so far. I do feel I would benefit from a full healing session from you or a few over time. Thanking you in advance. Blessings”

A.D. County Mayo,

“I am a research assistant at NUIG School of Medicine Galway working with old age and frailty. I have witnessed Jackie’s vibrant biofield tuning on several occasions involving her elderly father who is in the middle stages of dementia. While I remain fully open to alternative explanations, I did observe very positive results each time with almost immediate improvements in mood and clarity of thought which lasted at least 24 hours. While the clinical literature is currently too sparse to draw any conclusions; older forms of energy work such as yoga or reiki are showing great promise in improving patient quality of life and are gradually being welcomed into mainstream medical practice. We already know that vibrations of sound resonate with our moods and memories, some would even say soul, and I believe that this new technique has a wealth of potential. I would urge anyone to approach such exciting new potentials openly and honestly; and wish Jackie all the best in her honourable endeavours.”

Mark Donovan,University Of Galway

“Having invested in other forms of energy healing, I am impressed by the accuracy of time lines, the physical sensations at different stages of the session and the positive impact of biofield tuning sessions with Jackie. Through video (ZOOM), her assessment of the physical and emotional issues to treat were accurate in terms of events which have deeply shaped my health, behaviours and personal beliefs. At stages I experienced pins and needles in my feet and a sensation of rippling waves through my legs, torso and head. Jackie’s communication and explanations throughout helped me to understand, and to trust her and the process. Since our sessions, I have been sleeping better, my energy levels have increased and chronic back pain has decreased; I’ve felt more poised and centred since; I have also benefited from a greater sense of detachment, made changes to improve my quality of life and even made some major decisions to move forward. Compared with other methods, Jackie’s biofield tuning approach has had the most positive impact on my system. Highly recommended!”

Sinead McKenzie,France

“I have been troubled with depression for a long time, and more recently anxiety, brought on by 2 deaths and the earlier near death of my baby, I have tried so many therapies over the years, and there is no doubt that Biofield tuning works. What I like is there is no need to talk or rake over old traumas, Jackie works directly on your energy field and gets straight to the blockages and imbalances. After just one session I felt lighter and brighter. Further sessions revealed other childhood accidents and traumas which has been hanging around in my energy field, causing, I believe, the low-level long-standing depression, robbing me of the vitality I know I had inside of me. Jackie also correctly identified that I was living ‘in my head’ with a lot of busy energy causing me to feel light headed and anxious, and she managed to clear this away. Thank you, I feel so much clearer and less ‘bogged down’, and my family has also noticed the difference in me.”

Jackie,Newcastle upon Tyne

“I found the last session I had with you incredibly powerful, and all the internal concerns I spoke of magically disappeared into the quantum and have gone since. It was truly incredible. I want to thank you for your powerful sessions and also to say that at some point in the near future would love to have an oak tuning session that you spoke of a while back. And also the oak remedy you have. I have ordered it from you now. I want to say what am incredibly gifted intuitive healer you are. Much love and gratitude”

Jabeen Jaffri, Healer and channeler, Bath,UK


“Thank you jackie. Your work is so essential to assist people on their healing journey, Ennis needs you!”

Phyl,Ennis Co Clare Ireland

“Tuning your Four Main Elements (Distant) I have had a number of biofield tuning sessions with Jackie and found the therapy very beneficial and powerful at clearing old trauma from my system. I am fascinated by astrology and was very keen to experience her work on the elements. I have very little of one element and quite a lot of the other three so I knew it would be beneficial for me to have this treatment. I really felt balanced after our session and felt a lovely flow in my system and a sense of peace and tranquility afterwards. I found Jackie to be highly intuitive and caring. She really goes the extra mile for her clients and this is evident in her sessions.”

Oonagh C,Ireland November 2020

“Hi Jackie I found that it was like a heaviness was lifted from my shoulders. I also had a good night’s sleep which is rare. Thank you I found it really helpful”

Emer OConnorCorofin Clare

“I had a quick bite and then went for a rest, which was wonderful. I slept, a most elusive activity of late, and woke feeling so much better for it, so thank you for enabling that. I loved our session and look forward to the next. More later and many thanks, Virginia”

Virginia,Northumberland, UK

“I’m very grateful for the sound healing you gave me – thank you so much! Wanted to let you I felt a lot of activation and release in my body on Monday and it felt great. Later in the week I also felt some emotional issues come up including anger, some of that continues, perhaps released from all the repression/suppression before.…”

Verajita Singh

“Jackie’s Biofield tuning sessions helped me to discover more about the power of vibration and sound to heal the body. She introduced me to this supportive therapy that helped me to align my energy and pinpointed blockages to clear from years ago. Thanks again for your support.”

Jane Brumpton,Scotland

“First of all, for me it was very good to do my first ever biofield session with you. You are such a warm person and it means a lot to me, definitely for personal development. I felt a certain subtle clearance in my head and my mood uplifted. You told me accurately when my first trauma occurred. Suddenly an image came in my head and I had a realisation what might had happened and why my digestion started to be blocked. Anyway I will definitely book more biofield treatments with you.”


“When we started I came with lower back pain on my left side and I was very tired. After one session the pain in my leg that I had for weeks completely disappeared and the back pain also disappeared yesterday. My appetite for food has increased already and I see myself productive already. I really feel good. Thank you so much. If I feel down again, then I would definitely take another one.”

Resty Holm,Denmark

“Jackie is very skilled and I feel I am in good hands. I feel lighter and happier, there is an ongoing change in my body. We have a dialogue during the sessions, when talking to Jackie I notice things about myself and I might find the answer to some obstacles I have. Jackie is not forcing any change, it all happens very freely and naturally. I like the idea that I have all the answers within myself and the biofield tuning sessions are helping me to open up. Thank you Jackie for this experience, I’m looking forward to our next session!”

Petra Lindhom-Brattwell,Sweden

“Hi Jackie just a quick word – I slept so well Friday night after you did remote healing in fact it was only the phone that woke me. After lunch I still wanted to sleep and slept another 2 hours and last night I slept from 1am to 9am which is brill so feeling a lot more rested neck still in pain but getting better after each sleep. So Thank you angel Jackie for activation of healing xx”

Nicola Moss,UK

“I feel soooooo much better since our sessions yesterday. In fact I had one of the best night’s sleep in a long, long time!! Thank you! I do think that our first session marked a change for me. It marked a turning back towards being present, being in my body and eventually releasing the trauma patterns from my childhood.”


“Good evening Jackie. I just wanted to tell you our session yesterday has done me a tremendous amount of good. I felt a lot more grounded today and peaceful, less crazy unorganised thoughts, I felt more tuned with my inner energy, and I’m so grateful! Really looking forward to our next session. Thank you so much!”

Leyna Renaudin,London

“My energy has been moving much more easily in the body since the online group session. I feel lighter and more free and energized! Thank you so much.”


“Super Jackie. I felt light, like walking on air! I also felt a lot calmer and at peace.”

John Mannings

“Just to say thanks so much for the wonderful session you did for me on Tuesday. I am certainly feeling the benefits, more energy and feeling very positive.”

Maureen McGee,Crete

“Each of my three therapy sessions had a different effect. Each were distinctly relaxing or energetic. Overall my experience leads me to believe this therapy has the ability to bring access to emotional calm, removing and relieving blockages in the energetic field e.g. anxiety, repetitive memory patterns that do not serve, and it offers a degree of objectivity from habitual attitudes and behaviour that impact on health and wellbeing- a circuit breaker if you like. I enjoyed my sessions and felt benefit that lasted and sustained me long enough to integrate its resulting charge. Jackie is a dedicated and learned practitioner and I am interested that she continues this effective therapy for physical and emotional transformation. I have already recommended her and encourage others to explore its benefits in her practice. You cannot but benefit!”

Annabel McGlouglin,Belfast

“COMBINING Biofield Session with time out in Nature I had a delightful morning with Jackie. We did a biofield tuning which was very energizing and calming. I felt a lot of subtle energies during the session and had a strong sense of the energy in my whole aura being coherent with a slight buzz. It was really striking! Then we went into Nature to explore making sounds with gongs and it deepened and expanded the experience in a very potent way. That night I was so full of energy and I had a number of synchronicities and soul level insights that felt directly related to the time spent with Jackie earlier that day.”

Sean Esbjörn-Hargens,Ireland and U.S.

“I attended a group Biofield Tuning led by Jackie. I had no idea what to expect and was amazed that Jackie picked up on a major event at around the age of nine for someone in the group. I was involved in a serious car crash in that year and as Jackie smoothed out the trauma using her forks, the constant pain in my knees lifted and did not return after I left the session. I found Jackie’s group tuning really powerful and beneficial and would recommend it to anyone.”

Noel Brophy,Tipperary

“I had 3 sessions with Jackie, which was quite amazing ! I didn’t expect such outcome of a light filled body! I really can recommend this Biofield Tuning sessions! I felt a lot of joy.”

Jorg.Crookhaven Co Cork

“I was on a dowsing workshop at Jackie’s place. For some days I had been in big trouble with my back and could hardly stand for a while, even with painkillers. Jackie offered me to treat me with the tuning forks. It only took 5 minutes and it was very special to feel the resonance deep in my body. The condition of my back was much improved!! Thankfully we could easily continue working with the dowsing rods. After driving home the pain did not return.”


“I have received other healing modalities from Jackie over the years and can see that in this one she really is in her element. Plus it really is far more powerful than anything I have experienced with anyone and I feel sure it is a profoundly transformative therapy. I will recommend it to many.”

Deirdre McKenzie,Kinvara

“I came without any preconceptions of any results and was merely curious as to how it felt. I slept solidly for twelve hours, something I have never done in my life. I also found Jackie pinpointed several events in my life with alarming accuracy. After the session I had amazing energy and ability to focus. Thank you Jackie!”

Mary Lamont


What They’re Saying About Us

Nearly everyone who books my services are seeking to change their lives for the better. The following testimonials come from a wide range of backgrounds, including builders, building managers, nurses, therapists, yoga teachers, artists, accountants, home workers, business coaches, entrepreneurs, editors and environmental scientists.

“Just to let you know i listened to your recorded tuning on the Full Moon and associated lunar eclipse (with long-lasting influence) for May and I am really impressed with your work. To start with your voice is beautiful – so clear and easy to listen to. And the explanations and information you give as you go along with the healing is so welcome and informative. I have really benefitted from the healing. The peace underneath my legs is like nothing I ever had for the last 15 years. I have often felt I was ungrounded all my life. I feel more centred and strong in my body after doing them. I have chronic insomnia and issues with my arms/legs at night, but now after listening to the recording I am I feel getting a bit of deep sleep, and while listening to it I’m not awake but not fully asleep either! I have listened to it every day so far. I do feel I would benefit from a full healing session from you or a few over time. Thanking you in advance. Blessings”

A.D. County Mayo,Ireland

“I am a research assistant at NUIG School of Medicine Galway working with old age and frailty. I have witnessed Jackie’s vibrant biofield tuning on several occasions involving her elderly father who is in the middle stages of dementia. While I remain fully open to alternative explanations, I did observe very positive results each time with almost immediate improvements in mood and clarity of thought which lasted at least 24 hours. While the clinical literature is currently too sparse to draw any conclusions; older forms of energy work such as yoga or reiki are showing great promise in improving patient quality of life and are gradually being welcomed into mainstream medical practice. We already know that vibrations of sound resonate with our moods and memories, some would even say soul, and I believe that this new technique has a wealth of potential. I would urge anyone to approach such exciting new potentials openly and honestly; and wish Jackie all the best in her honourable endeavours.”

Mark Donovan,University Of Galway

“Having invested in other forms of energy healing, I am impressed by the accuracy of time lines, the physical sensations at different stages of the session and the positive impact of biofield tuning sessions with Jackie. Through video (ZOOM), her assessment of the physical and emotional issues to treat were accurate in terms of events which have deeply shaped my health, behaviours and personal beliefs. At stages I experienced pins and needles in my feet and a sensation of rippling waves through my legs, torso and head. Jackie’s communication and explanations throughout helped me to understand, and to trust her and the process. Since our sessions, I have been sleeping better, my energy levels have increased and chronic back pain has decreased; I’ve felt more poised and centred since; I have also benefited from a greater sense of detachment, made changes to improve my quality of life and even made some major decisions to move forward. Compared with other methods, Jackie’s biofield tuning approach has had the most positive impact on my system. Highly recommended!”

Sinead McKenzie,France

“I have been troubled with depression for a long time, and more recently anxiety, brought on by 2 deaths and the earlier near death of my baby, I have tried so many therapies over the years, and there is no doubt that Biofield tuning works. What I like is there is no need to talk or rake over old traumas, Jackie works directly on your energy field and gets straight to the blockages and imbalances. After just one session I felt lighter and brighter. Further sessions revealed other childhood accidents and traumas which has been hanging around in my energy field, causing, I believe, the low-level long-standing depression, robbing me of the vitality I know I had inside of me. Jackie also correctly identified that I was living ‘in my head’ with a lot of busy energy causing me to feel light headed and anxious, and she managed to clear this away. Thank you, I feel so much clearer and less ‘bogged down’, and my family has also noticed the difference in me.”

Jackie,Newcastle upon Tyne

“I found the last session I had with you incredibly powerful, and all the internal concerns I spoke of magically disappeared into the quantum and have gone since. It was truly incredible. I want to thank you for your powerful sessions and also to say that at some point in the near future would love to have an oak tuning session that you spoke of a while back. And also the oak remedy you have. I have ordered it from you now. I want to say what am incredibly gifted intuitive healer you are. Much love and gratitude”

Jabeen Jaffri, Healer and channeler, Bath,UK

“Thank you jackie. Your work is so essential to assist people on their healing journey, Ennis needs you!”

Phyl,Ennis Co Clare Ireland

“Tuning your Four Main Elements (Distant) I have had a number of biofield tuning sessions with Jackie and found the therapy very beneficial and powerful at clearing old trauma from my system. I am fascinated by astrology and was very keen to experience her work on the elements. I have very little of one element and quite a lot of the other three so I knew it would be beneficial for me to have this treatment. I really felt balanced after our session and felt a lovely flow in my system and a sense of peace and tranquility afterwards. I found Jackie to be highly intuitive and caring. She really goes the extra mile for her clients and this is evident in her sessions.”

Oonagh C,Ireland November 2020

“Hi Jackie I found that it was like a heaviness was lifted from my shoulders. I also had a good night’s sleep which is rare. Thank you I found it really helpful”

Emer OConnorCorofin Clare

“I had a quick bite and then went for a rest, which was wonderful. I slept, a most elusive activity of late, and woke feeling so much better for it, so thank you for enabling that. I loved our session and look forward to the next. More later and many thanks, Virginia”

Virginia,Northumberland, UK

“I’m very grateful for the sound healing you gave me – thank you so much! Wanted to let you I felt a lot of activation and release in my body on Monday and it felt great. Later in the week I also felt some emotional issues come up including anger, some of that continues, perhaps released from all the repression/suppression before.…”

Verajita Singh

“Jackie’s Biofield tuning sessions helped me to discover more about the power of vibration and sound to heal the body. She introduced me to this supportive therapy that helped me to align my energy and pinpointed blockages to clear from years ago. Thanks again for your support.”

Jane Brumpton,Scotland

“First of all, for me it was very good to do my first ever biofield session with you. You are such a warm person and it means a lot to me, definitely for personal development. I felt a certain subtle clearance in my head and my mood uplifted. You told me accurately when my first trauma occurred. Suddenly an image came in my head and I had a realisation what might had happened and why my digestion started to be blocked. Anyway I will definitely book more biofield treatments with you.”


“When we started I came with lower back pain on my left side and I was very tired. After one session the pain in my leg that I had for weeks completely disappeared and the back pain also disappeared yesterday. My appetite for food has increased already and I see myself productive already. I really feel good. Thank you so much. If I feel down again, then I would definitely take another one.”

Resty Holm,Denmark

“Jackie is very skilled and I feel I am in good hands. I feel lighter and happier, there is an ongoing change in my body. We have a dialogue during the sessions, when talking to Jackie I notice things about myself and I might find the answer to some obstacles I have. Jackie is not forcing any change, it all happens very freely and naturally. I like the idea that I have all the answers within myself and the biofield tuning sessions are helping me to open up. Thank you Jackie for this experience, I’m looking forward to our next session!”

Petra Lindhom-Brattwell,Sweden

“Hi Jackie just a quick word – I slept so well Friday night after you did remote healing in fact it was only the phone that woke me. After lunch I still wanted to sleep and slept another 2 hours and last night I slept from 1am to 9am which is brill so feeling a lot more rested neck still in pain but getting better after each sleep. So Thank you angel Jackie for activation of healing xx”

Nicola Moss,UK

“I feel soooooo much better since our sessions yesterday. In fact I had one of the best night’s sleep in a long, long time!! Thank you! I do think that our first session marked a change for me. It marked a turning back towards being present, being in my body and eventually releasing the trauma patterns from my childhood.”


“Good evening Jackie. I just wanted to tell you our session yesterday has done me a tremendous amount of good. I felt a lot more grounded today and peaceful, less crazy unorganised thoughts, I felt more tuned with my inner energy, and I’m so grateful! Really looking forward to our next session. Thank you so much!”

Leyna Renaudin,London

“My energy has been moving much more easily in the body since the online group session. I feel lighter and more free and energized! Thank you so much.”


“Super Jackie. I felt light, like walking on air! I also felt a lot calmer and at peace.”

John Mannings

“Just to say thanks so much for the wonderful session you did for me on Tuesday. I am certainly feeling the benefits, more energy and feeling very positive.”

Maureen McGee,Crete

“Each of my three therapy sessions had a different effect. Each were distinctly relaxing or energetic. Overall my experience leads me to believe this therapy has the ability to bring access to emotional calm, removing and relieving blockages in the energetic field e.g. anxiety, repetitive memory patterns that do not serve, and it offers a degree of objectivity from habitual attitudes and behaviour that impact on health and wellbeing- a circuit breaker if you like. I enjoyed my sessions and felt benefit that lasted and sustained me long enough to integrate its resulting charge. Jackie is a dedicated and learned practitioner and I am interested that she continues this effective therapy for physical and emotional transformation. I have already recommended her and encourage others to explore its benefits in her practice. You cannot but benefit!”

Annabel McGlouglin,Belfast

“COMBINING Biofield Session with time out in Nature I had a delightful morning with Jackie. We did a biofield tuning which was very energizing and calming. I felt a lot of subtle energies during the session and had a strong sense of the energy in my whole aura being coherent with a slight buzz. It was really striking! Then we went into Nature to explore making sounds with gongs and it deepened and expanded the experience in a very potent way. That night I was so full of energy and I had a number of synchronicities and soul level insights that felt directly related to the time spent with Jackie earlier that day.”

Sean Esbjörn-Hargens,Ireland and U.S.

“I attended a group Biofield Tuning led by Jackie. I had no idea what to expect and was amazed that Jackie picked up on a major event at around the age of nine for someone in the group. I was involved in a serious car crash in that year and as Jackie smoothed out the trauma using her forks, the constant pain in my knees lifted and did not return after I left the session. I found Jackie’s group tuning really powerful and beneficial and would recommend it to anyone.”

Noel Brophy,Tipperary

“I had 3 sessions with Jackie, which was quite amazing ! I didn’t expect such outcome of a light filled body! I really can recommend this Biofield Tuning sessions! I felt a lot of joy.”

Jorg.Crookhaven Co Cork

“I was on a dowsing workshop at Jackie’s place. For some days I had been in big trouble with my back and could hardly stand for a while, even with painkillers. Jackie offered me to treat me with the tuning forks. It only took 5 minutes and it was very special to feel the resonance deep in my body. The condition of my back was much improved!! Thankfully we could easily continue working with the dowsing rods. After driving home the pain did not return.”


“I have received other healing modalities from Jackie over the years and can see that in this one she really is in her element. Plus it really is far more powerful than anything I have experienced with anyone and I feel sure it is a profoundly transformative therapy. I will recommend it to many.”

Deirdre McKenzie,Kinvara

“I came without any preconceptions of any results and was merely curious as to how it felt. I slept solidly for twelve hours, something I have never done in my life. I also found Jackie pinpointed several events in my life with alarming accuracy. After the session I had amazing energy and ability to focus. Thank you Jackie!”

Mary Lamont

“My energy has been moving much more easily in the body since the online group session. I feel lighter and more free and energized! Thank you so much.”


“I’m feeling good since my last session. Having lots of dreams and I’m feeling lighter! Thanks again.”

Suzanne McLoughlin,Ireland

“Thanks so much! I feel so good and light….you are an Angel!”

Cathy Malone,Athlone and Copenhagen

“Attended for help with dental phobia – made a huge difference at my next appointment a few days later. I was a bit apprehensive ahead of time but nothing in comparison to previous dentist visits, and was able to tolerate the small amount of discomfort during the procedure much better than historically. But there have been other, unexpected benefits as well – a sustained feeling of lightness and peace, a boost to my confidence which helped in managing a challenging situation with ease soon after, and a general feeling of openness – all very difficult to articulate but truly wonderful to experience! Thanks Jackie – I look forward to availing of further treatment!”

Annie Farrell,Co Galway

“I have been going to Jackie for some ongoing leg pain. What strikes me about the healing modality that Jackie does is her insight and her ability to pinpoint areas in your life where you have developed blockages, and more importantly, to release them and release them instantly. There is an amazing power that comes through during the healings that is hard to put into words. Just that you know that something very powerful is happening. Afterwards you carry with you a sense of wellbeing and a feeling that your health issue is sorting itself out at the deepest level. Thank you, Jackie, for your insights and healing abilities!”

Elaine Molloy,Co Galway

“Biofield tuning with Jackie was a beautiful experience. The use of tuning forks was a pleasant and interesting way to connect with my energy field. Jackie located energy blockages and her intuition alerted us to the corresponding emotional disturbances. After working on clearing these I felt at peace and increased flow of energy. The pain in my back also decreased. Overall, it was a very pleasant, interesting and relaxing experience.”

Saorla,Galway City

“I felt really well taken care of during my sessions with Jackie. The tuning forks released a deep, negative past conditioning and the meridian flush opened up blocked energy channels in my legs. Working with the sound is a powerful and healing tool. I would definitely recommend Jackie’s work to anybody who is looking for inner transformation.”

Ania Tyczek,Poland and Ireland

“I was vibrating/trembling all over my body and could feel roots from my feet a mile deep. Jackie, you are a very accurate, strong medium of energy fields. The effect is continuing the following day. It feels like a clearing of the old energy is happening…”

Francis,Co Galway

“I have been having sessions with Jackie for the past few weeks and it has been incredible. I’ve already started feeling more peace of mind and feeling more grounded. She is a lovely and gentle soul and my sessions with her have done me the greatest good!”


“Good morning, Thank you very much for yesterday. Feeling fantastic today. (Ed: lasted at least four weeks)”

Nicole Millane,Shannon Ireland

“Meant to text you all day. I felt great. I slept so well last night. It was great. Thank you.”

Kate Keane,Cork

“I was seeking relief from Constant Neck Pain: It was great Jackie. I was really relaxed and the pain in my neck has gone. I will grab a few fliers and put them up for you. (group tuning participant)”

Christine Donlon,Co Clare

“Dread of Dentists? I’ve a dread of dentists so I asked you to help with my nerves prior to my trip to the dentist. I’ve had a crazy work day, and I haven’t caught up since my trip too. But I meant to contact you to say – my Monday dental visit was great (so to speak) !! I was a bit apprehensive in the morning, but nothing at all in comparison to previous anxiety levels. It was different during procedure too – occasionally there was a painful poke or a little stab, and historically, the slightest little thing would be my cue to hit the ceiling, anticipating the worst. On Monday I was able to say to myself “Ouch, hope he doesn’t do that again; I don’t want him to stop though, let’s just push through this…” This was an incredible difference from previous dental experiences!”

Margaret Drake,England

“I recently had a remote biofield tuning session with Jackie. The session was both intriguing and intense at the same time. I could immediately feel Jackie tuning in to me despite the fact that I was in my home and she was in hers. Jackie quickly found blockages in my energy field that were causing me health issues. These blockages occurred many years ago but were still causing me issues. Once Jackie released these blockages I felt an immediate sense of well-being and freedom and a new found confidence in my ability to fully heal. I am looking forward to more sessions with Jackie to fully regain my health again! Thank you so much Jackie!”

Elaine Molloy(returning 2 years later)

“I received a few long distance treatments from Jackie and I noticed a significant difference in my behaviour after the first treatment. I have had a long-standing habit of procrastinating. It always seemed so hard to “get things done” but after my first treatment with Jackie I was able to do things with little effort. I was so pleased to experience this because it has been an issue most of my life and I have had many different healing treatments, none of which gave me this result.”

Linda Rozee,Nova Scotia

“I’m feeling very good. In fact I felt good since the last session.You have a great gift for healing.”

Dan McGuire,Cork

“I felt a lot better after the session-I would like to return for more in the future.”

Brendan Sanders,East Clare, Ireland

“Hi Jackie, Feeling great since treatment yesterday. Very light and energetic all the drive back . Thank you so much! It was really nice to meet you!”

Tim Adamson,Belfast

“I feel so absolutely wonderful, thanks to you!! Haven’t felt this good in years!!!!!!”

Jennifer Duffy,Kinvara

“Thanks so much for everything Jackie I really enjoyed and got a lot of the Biofield tuning. Best wishes to you!”


“Today was interesting. I felt a momentum that kept me grounded and optimistic despite the state of panicking/preoccupation I’ve been in for the past weeks. It’s a positive and still, subtle feeling. (I really haven’t been functioning well).”

Melissa Huang,California

“I feel good- no pain or stiffness in the shoulder or back and overall feeling much better. In the end I had 3 sessions with Jackie, which were quite amazing ! I didn’t expect such outcome of a light filled body! I really can recommend this Biofield Tuning sessions! Thanks Jackie – goodbye drugs and hello Biofield. It is amazing!”

Anne Loughrey,Co Galway

“I feel that those first 5 sessions helped me a lot, helped me to move forward and I feel like my power is coming back and that I now need to do some inner healing by myself. I was waiting to see how I would feel over past 2 weeks and even when I had some emotional days, I was able to help myself with different tools. Now I’m working with the power of my thoughts to help me to heal and create a reality I wish for.”

Katarina Sidova,Dublin

“I am writing on behalf of my adolescent son who has received 4 tuning sessions with Jackie now. I wholeheartedly and confidently recommend any parents who have a child who suffers from mental health issues, and emotional traumas, seek out Jackie for Biofield Tuning healing. I share this with gratitude for finding Jackie who has been flexible working with us remotely. I have been amazed and impressed reading her insightful and accurate report after each tuning session.”

Constance Lum

“For the first time, I feel like I can let out my breath and feel hopeful that my son could experience joy and want to live. I feel like we have our son back again.”

Cici Lum,USA

“Thanks so much for the treatment. I feel so much more at ease. I find biofield tuning to be a very powerful therapy, which necessitates me to do the work integrating it afterwards.”

Trisha Nash,Co Clare

“You are very good at this remote working. In three sessions I felt you really got to the crux of the matter and helped me get in touch with the root of problems I was not aware of”

Samantha Nugent,UK

“It most certainly relaxed me! I came home, had something to eat & fell asleep for an hour. There is absolutely no pain, tightness, or soreness in my side or anywhere else in my abdominal region – no gallbladder symptoms whatsoever. My neck is a bit stiff with a slight soreness but it’s much better & I feel it would take another couple of sessions to shift that completely. Thanks again. I have come several times to you over the years for various reasons and find this therapy really works. (ed: following day this was dealt with also)”


“Tuning your Four Main Elements Distant Session I have had a number of biofield tuning sessions with Jackie and found the therapy very beneficial and powerful at clearing old trauma from my system. I am fascinated by astrology and was very keen to experience her work on the elements. I have very little of one element and quite a lot of the other three so I knew it would be beneficial for me to have this treatment. I really felt balanced after our session and felt a lovely flow in my system and a sense of peace and tranquility afterwards. I found Jackie to be highly intuitive and caring. She really goes the extra mile for her clients and this is evident in her sessions.”

Oonagh C,Galway Ireland November 2020

“Palliative Care for Pain Tolerance, long distance: I just wanted to let you know how beneficial each of your sessions are and how grateful I am to you for giving me such targeted outreach assistance. After each session I always feel the surge of uplifting energy and joy in the relief they give to me immediately and then the after glow of release in my body and mind. This I greatly appreciate and do thank you for your dedicated care during this difficult time in my life. It means such a lot. Many thanks,”

Betty Henrichsen, Belshill,Scotland October 2018